also see: MSPs Facilitation Capacity Building Gender
Since 2016, supporting the GIZ Partnerships 2030 Platform to provide analysis, design, facilitation and coaching for preparing and initiating multi-stakeholder partnerships aiming to contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda; developing information materials and tool boxes, e.g. Human Rights and MSPs; gender in MSPs; results of MSPs achieved for local rights holders; dealing with conflict; strengthening equal collaboration in partnerships; and a self evaluation tool for MSPs.
Supporting the MSP Institute’s projects on Gender and Chemicals: Issues, Stakeholders, Strategies, May 2017 – December 2024. Conducting analyses of gender issues, stakeholders and relevant political processes; developing policy and implementation action for the Global Framework on Chemicals (formerly SAICM), supported by the German Environment Ministry.
In 2021-22, we developed a Gender Road Map for chemicals policy and implementation at the national level, and conducted a pilot process in Germany, supported by the German Environment Agency.
In 2023, we launched the Gender & Chemicals Partnership (G&CP), an international multi-stakeholder partnership aiming to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in chemicals management and to support addressing the global pollution crisis and contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.
International Chemicals Management – Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC, formerly SAICM): Since 2015, I have been supporting the German Federal Environment Ministry and the Environment Agency in the UN multi-stakeholder process on international chemicals management towards a new framework beyond 2020 in several projects. I served as a senior advisor to the German presidency of the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5, held in Bonn, Sept 2023), process design and facilitation at the UN, national and EU level, co-moderating the Berlin Forum on Chemicals and Sustainability (2021, 2023, 2024).
Facilitated Climate Analytics’ 3-day team retreat in March 2023, and will do so again in June 2024.
I have been teaching a 3-4 day course on Stakeholder Engagement for around 20 PhD students at the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center at ETH / Technical University Zurich, Switzerland, every 1-2 years since 2011. This is part of the PhD Program on Science and Policy. In January 2021, it was conducted online, and I was happy to revert back to in-person trainings in 2022 and 2024.
A project led by arepo, in collaboration with Wuppertal Institute and Dr Marcus Andreas, was examining social aspects of climate change related transformation, and building networks with partners and experts around the world for exchange and mutual learning on these issues. The project was contracted by the German Federal Environment Ministry and was implemented February 2021 – December 2022.
KöP: Cooperating with ifeu, Climate Alliance and seecon on “Klimaschutz in öffentlichen Projekten (KöP) – Climate Action in Public Projects”, to develop a toolbox for integrating climate in all municipal projects beyond environment; 2017-2021.
Consultant Celia Schmidt is supporting me in this project, reviewing project management literature and supporting the collaboration with pilot municipalities.
In Zusammenarbeit mit ifeu, Climate Alliance and seecon trage ich zur Entwicklung eines Toolkits zum Klimaschutz in öffentlichen Projekten (KöP) bei, um die Integration von Klima in alle öffentlichen Projekte in Kommunen zu fördern und praktisch zu unterstützen; 2017-2021. Beraterin Celia Schmidt unterstützt mich dabei.
Having co-founded the MSP Institute – Multi-stakeholder Processes for Sustainable Development eV, an international charitable association based in Berlin, Germany, I am also working to develop and implement non-for profit projects as well as publications as an associate of the organization.
I am serving on the Advisory Board of the INTERLACE project, led by Ecologic Institute and supported by the European Commission DG Research & Innovation, 2020-2024. The project brings together a unique consortium of European and Latin American partners to contribute to effectively restoring and rehabilitating urban ecosystems to make cities more livable, resilient and inclusive. It aims to advance knowledge and awareness of restorative nature-based solutions (NBS), and lays the foundation for sustained multi-directional cooperation and exchange between European and Latin American cities.
EcoAgriculture Partners: I served as a Member of the Board of Directors of this international organisation headquartered in Washington, DC, from 2005 until 2015, and am now a Senior Fellow.
Ecoagriculture Partners is an independent non-government organisation, a node in a network of farmers, non-government organizations, governments and international organisatins, research institutes, agribusiness, and conservationists. After taking shape at the Stakeholder Implementation Conference in 2002, which I co-coordinated, Ecoagriculture Partners held its first international conference in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2004, and the second in Nairobi in March 2012. It is active primarily in East Africa, Meso-America and North America. EcoAgriculture Partners was also serving as the coordinating Secretariat of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative, LPFN. It is now one of the champions of the 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People initiative, which I supported with process design and facilitation services in their co-creation process in 2020.
GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice: Having co-founded an organisation that serves to facilitate and coordinate an international network of women and gender experts working on climate change. I was Chair, then Vice-Chair of the Board (2008-2012), now a member of the Steering Committee. I mostly worked to develop, and help implement a multi-pronged strategy aiming to increase gender responsiveness of international climate change policies under the UNFCCC process. Coordinated a number of activities at UNFCCC conferences since 2005. Having achieved the official “observer constituency” status for women and gender experts in the UNFCCC process, GenderCC became the first focal point for the constituency, facilitating the connections between women worldwide and the political process. We are continuing to raise women’s voices in the process at international and national levels, but we also focus on implementing projects with local women around the world.