(deutsch s. unten)
I am a clinical psychologist with a doctorate in organisational and environmental psychology.
Since 1998, I have been working independently with international organisations, governments, municipalities, non-government organisations, women’s networks, companies, consultancies, and research institutions.
I develop, coach and facilitate processes that involve a multitude of different people, cultures and interest groups in the context of sustainable development, chemicals and waste management, climate change, and gender issues.
This includes organizational and network development, individual and team coaching, partnership brokering, corporate strategy making, inter-governmental dialogues, training in process design and facilitation, advocacy, and evaluation.
I have a lot of experience with international policy making, facilitating, training, writing and presenting. I most enjoy seeing people developing and fulfilling their potential; as well as working together and achieving common goals: sometimes in the conference rooms, often in the corridors, and mostly in the cities and villages where sustainable development is becoming real, rather than being talked about.
I work on developing new initiatives and supporting existing ones, learning from people, environments and experiences. I enjoy dialogue, reflection, and action.
My languages are English, German, and a bit of French.
Consulting and not-for-profit work
I also do non-for-profit work with the MSP Institute eV, an international charitable association based in Berlin, Germany.
Knowledge & Skills
Stakeholder Participation, Dialogue and Multi-stakeholder Partnerships, Facilitation. Wide experience with multi-stakeholder partnerships and participatory processes, including their design and facilitation, with excellent people skills across cultures and interests. Gained a leading role in the international discourse on and practice of multi-stakeholder processes.
Gender issues / Intergroup Relations. Social scientific expertise in intergroup relations, women’s / gender studies, networking, mentoring, people and environment interactions. Proven skills of translating empirical research into effective input for policy-makers.
Programme Development and Implementation. Proven ability to initiate and implement programmes, manage small and large scale activities within tight timelines, raise funds from a variety of donors, and maintain effective external relations.
Team Membership and Leadership. Wide experience as an effective, reliable team member in non-government, academic, and multi-stakeholder settings; accomplished as a leader of small and large teams of global and diverse membership.
Writing and Presenting. Accomplished as an author and speaker in a variety of settings.
Sustainable Development. Extensive knowledge of sustainable development issues and processes; wide experience with participating and taking leadership roles in relevant fora of governments, intergovernmental bodies, NGOs, and other stakeholders, representing multi-stakeholder partnership initiatives, NGOs, women’s organizations, governments.
Ich habe Klinische Psychologie studiert und in Organisations- und Umweltpsychologie promoviert.
Seit 1998 bin ich freiberuflich tätig und arbeite mit internationalen Organisation, Regierungen, Kommunen, Nicht-Regierungs-Organisationen, Frauen-Netzwerken, Unternehmen, Beratungsfirmen und Forschungsinstituten zusammen.
Ich entwickle, gestalte, begleite und moderiere Prozesse, in denen eine Vielzahl verschiedener Personen, Kulturen und Interessengruppen zusammenkommen und Themen im Bereich Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Chemikalien- und Abfallmanagement, Klima und Geschlechtergerechtigkeit diskutieren und bearbeiten.
Dazu gehört Organisations- und Netzwerk-Entwicklung, das Coaching von Einzelpersonen und Teams, die Gestaltung von Partnerschaften, Strategie-Entwicklung, Dialoge zwischen Regierungen, Trainings in Prozessgestaltung und Moderation, aber auch Lobby-Arbeit sowie Evaluation und Lern-Prozesse.
Ich habe viel Erfahrung mit internationalen Politikprozessen, Moderation, Training, dem Verfassen von Studien und anderen Texten sowie Reden und Präsentieren. Am meisten Freude bereitet es mi zu erleben wie Menschen sich entwickeln und ihr volles Potential entfalten, und wie sie zusammenarbeiten: manchmal in Konferenzräumen, öfter in den Korridoren, und am meisten in den Städten und Dörfern wo Nachhaltige Entwicklung Realität wird, statt nur diskutiert zu werden.
Meine Arbeit umfasst die Entwicklung neuer Initiativen und die Unterstützung existierender Programme. Ich habe Freude an Dialog, Reflexion und tatkräftiger Umsetzung.
Ich arbeite auf deutsch und englisch, und verstehe ein wenig französisch.