Capacity Building

Capacity Building, Teaching, Training

I enjoy developing and conducting training and capacity development processes and programmes, for example on:

Multi-stakeholder processes: developing and conducting courses on multi-stakeholder dialogue, societal change, participation, partnership building

November 2019: a 2-day seminar for young scientists on multi-stakeholder processes at Julius Kühn Institut, Kleinmachnow.

Since 2011: Teaching a 3-4 day course on Stakeholder Engagement for PhD students at the Plant Science Center at ETH / Technical University Zurich, Switzerland, every 1-2 years.

April 2017: Contributing to a course on process design and strategy development for institutional reform in international development, at the Humboldt University Centre for Rural Development, Berlin, Germany.

2014: A seminar on Strategic communication in multi stakeholder processes for landscape approaches, contributing to a course on „Management of Land- and Seascapes – For People and Nature“ , held at the International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany

2011 – 2013: Teaching a course on Multi-stakeholder Processes for Sustainable Development at the World Peace Academy (now swisspeace), at the Advanced Study Centre of the University of Basel, Switzerland.

I have also written a brief article on What It Takes – Competencies for designing and facilitating MSPs for (Dec 2010).

→ Facilitation 

June 2017: A 2-day facilitation training for the team at the International Civil Society Centre in Berlin; combining presentations, role plays, exercises and reflection plus practice and guidance in the weeks between training days.

Leadership, communication, knowledge management: developing and conducting training programmes for decision-makers in intergovernmental organisations, civil society networks, and businesses (e.g. for the UN with the Rotterdam School of Management).

 Women’s / gender issues: conducting workshops and ongoing training on gender aspects of sustainable development issues (water, land, tourism, consumption, climate, etc) and supporting women’s strategy development towards decision-making (e.g. around UN processes; for decision-makers and researchers);

→ International policy making processes: supporting effective civil society involvement in policy making though information and strategy workshops, information materials, mentoring and coaching (e.g. around UN processes like the Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development, the UNFCCC process, and others).

I have also been teaching at universities at graduate and post-graduate levels, e.g. at the University of Saarbruecken, Germany; the Institute for Commonwealth Studies, London; the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands.

This work has brought me to developed and developing countries like Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, the US, and Sweden,
as well as Kenya, Togo, South Africa, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, among others.